How to Migrate Your Data from Zendesk to Re:amaze

Re:amaze provides a built-in migration tool for you to easily and efficiently migrate your data from Zendesk - no 3rd-party apps necessary! Re:amaze will migrate the following from your Zendesk account:

  • Staff roles
  • Staff users and customers
  • Departments
  • Article topics and articles
  • Conversations
Getting Started
  1. In Re:amaze, navigate to Settings > Migration Tools.
  2. Click on the 'Click to Connect' button for Zendesk.
  3. On the next page, click 'Connect Now' to be taken to the migration page.


On this page you will need to provide your Zendesk credentials, which includes your account subdomain, email address, and API token.

Generating Your Zendesk API Token

To generate your Zendesk API token, you must be an administrator and API token access must be enabled in your account.

  • Log in as an administrator in Zendesk.
  • In the Admin Center, go to 'Apps and integrations' in the sidebar, then select APIs > Zendesk API.
  • Click 'Add API token' next to 'Active API tokens.' The token will be generated and displayed.


Once you have provided your Zendesk credentials, scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Save credentials' to begin migrating your Zendesk data. The migration time will vary depending on how much data you have.

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