Personal Signature
You can create a personal signature for every brand within your Re:amaze account. Re:amaze will pull the relevant signature whenever you reply through an email channel that belongs to a brand.
To start editing your personal signature, simply go to the "Settings" menu and click on "Signatures...
Changing Password
If you've forgotten your Re:amaze password, the best way to re-access your account is to head to your account's login page and click on "Forgot Password". Re:amaze customer support personnel will not be able to reset your account password for you.
Changing Your Password
If you're abl...
Customization Settings
Miscellaneous Settings
If there are miscellaneous things you'd like to change in your Re:amaze account, the first place to check is under Customization Settings. This menu will allow you to change things such as how you prefer to compose (HTML vs Markdown), how you want your signatures to sh...
Using Display Names
Re:amaze allows you to use a display name when communicating with your customers through chat and email, which helps protect your team's privacy and security.
A display name can be made when creating a new staff member or added to an existing staff member. Display names will also be shown in Cue...