Connecting a new email channel is the initial step in setting up your Re:amaze account. However, it doesn't end there – you'll need to set up email forwarding to direct all messages to your Re:amaze inbox.
If you haven't started connecting an email channel, navigate to Settings > Email Channels and click "Add new channel." For existing email channels, select "Connect to external email."
Re:amaze will automatically set up a new mailbox/email address. In the example below, the address generated is "" this address is where your emails will be forwarded to.
To continue setting up email forwarding, click "Connect my email address."
- Next, provide the email address you want to use for email forwarding. This should be your current support address. Below that, you will see the email address Re:amaze automatically set up for you. You will need this email address for the next step, so copy it and click "Next."
NOTE: You will be able to send and receive emails from this address, however only your support email address will be visible to your customers.
- Before moving forward in Re:amaze, navigate to your Zoho account to set up email forwarding.
- In your Zoho account, click on the gear icon located in the top-right corner of the page to get to your Settings Page.
- On your Settings Page, scroll down to the "Forwards" section.
- Enter the email address you copied from Re:amaze in the "Add new email forwarding" field.
Once you've provided your email address, Zoho will send a verification email to Re:amaze, so you will need to navigate back to Re:amaze to locate this email in your inbox.
- Open the confirmation email from Zoho and copy the confirmation code provided.
- Navigate back to your Zoho account and click the "Verify" button. This will prompt you to provide the code you just copied from the confirmation email.
- Back in Re:amaze, you will now just need to click "Yes I've completed forwarding" and you're all done.